Rachael Alexandra Porter

The best online resources to entertain kids during lockdown
With lockdown in full swing we're all going to be spending a lot more time at home with our kids! But this doesn't mean their education has to suffer! Check out our list of the top resources available for children learning from home, you might find something inspiring!
Rachael Alexandra Porter

Our Christmas Collection is now live
Are you worried that Christmas is cancelled this year? Well fear not, we've been in touch with Santa and put together some awesome Christmas Gifts for Kids! So if you're child is worried that Santa won't get to you this year, we've just made their Christmas a whole lot cheerier! Offering amazing value for money, our Christmas Gifts are an essential festive time saver guaranteed to occupy kids over the festive period. This year we've expanded our Christmas Collection to include the following: - Pre-filled Christmas Stockings - Christmas Eve Boxes - Christmas Activity Sacks - Limited Edition 'Merry Christmouse If you're no longer...
Rachael Alexandra Porter

Half Term Boredom Busters
With half term fast approaching, the temperatures are dropping and the chances of catching up with friends have decreased for many of us. So why not take some time out this half term and enjoy some craft projects with the kids at home instead? Make sure your kids have a memorable half term, with our selection of activities and crafts to do at home: 1. Storybook characters made with egg cartons We love these amazing upcycled book character portraits inspired by Nylah Khan made from egg cartons and cardboard. You will need: egg box, scissors, glue gun/UHU glue, marker pens, acrylic paint and...
Rachael Alexandra Porter

How to survive the Holidays
The School holidays can be anything but a holiday for parents, especially during the Coronavirus and being stuck at home! How can we cope with the holidays now that our children are feeling isolated and sick of being cooped up at home? Read our top tips on how to survive the Easter Holidays and continue working at the same time.
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